Lifeworks, LLC
246 Mathis Ferry Road, Suite 100
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Psychology Research
Check out Dr. Brian Sullivan’s Psychology Research.
Biofeedback is a technique that trains people to improve their health by controlling certain bodily processes that normally happen involuntarily, such as heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and skin temperature. Electrodes attached to your skin measure these processes and display them on a monitor. With help from a biofeedback therapist, you can learn to change your heart rate or blood pressure, for example. At first you use the monitor to see your progress, but eventually you will be able to achieve success without the monitor or electrodes. Biofeedback is an effective therapy for many conditions, but it is primarily used to treat high blood pressure, tension headache, migraine headache, chronic pain, and urinary incontinence.
The three most commonly used forms of biofeedback therapy are:
Researchers aren’ t sure exactly how or why biofeedback works. However, there does seem to be at least one common thread: most people who benefit from biofeedback have conditions that are brought on or made worse by stress. For this reason, many scientists believe that relaxation is the key to successful biofeedback therapy. When your body is under chronic stress, internal processes like blood pressure become overactive. Guided by a biofeedback therapist, you can learn to lower your blood pressure through relaxation techniques and mental exercises. When you are successful, you see the results on the monitor, which encourages your efforts.
In a normal biofeedback session, electrodes are attached to your skin. They send information to a small monitoring box that translates the measurements into a tone that varies in pitch, a visual meter that varies in brightness, or a computer screen that shows lines moving across a grid. The biofeedback therapist then leads you in mental exercises. Through trial and error, you can soon learn to identify the mental activities that will bring about the physical changes you want.
Biofeedback seems to be effective for a range of health problems. For example, it shows promise for treating urinary incontinence, which is a problems for more than 15 million Americans. Some people choose biofeedback over drugs because of the lack of side effects. Based on findings in clinical studies, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research has recommended biofeedback therapy as a treatment for urinary incontinence. It may also help people with fecal incontinence.
Research also suggests that thermal biofeedback may ease symptoms of Raynaud’s disease (a condition that causes reduced blood flow to fingers, toes, nose or ears) while EMG biofeedback has been shown to reduce pain, morning stiffness, and the number of tender points in people with fibromyalgia. A review of scientific clinical studies found that biofeedback may help people with insomnia fall asleep.
Biofeedback can also be used effectively in children. For example, EEG neurofeedback (especially when combined with cognitive therapy) has been reported to improve behavior and intelligence scores in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Biofeedback, combined with fiber in the diet, may help relieve abdominal pain in children. Thermal biofeedback helps relieve migraine and chronic tension headaches among children and teens as well.
Anorexia nervosa
Back pain
Bed wetting
Chronic pain
Epilepsy and related seizure disorders
Head injuries
High blood pressure
Learning disabilities
Motion sickness
Muscle spasms
Sexual disorders, including pain with intercourse
Spinal cord injuries
Each session generally lasts less than 1 hour. The number of sessions required depends on the condition being treated. Many people start to see results within 8 – 10 sessions. Treatment of headache, incontinence, and Raynaud’s disease requires at least 10 weekly sessions and some follow-up sessions as health improves. Conditions like high blood pressure, however, usually require 20 weekly biofeedback sessions before you see improvement. You will also be taught mental exercises and relaxation techniques that you can do at home for at least 5 – 10 minutes every day. To learn more visit our biofeedback page.
Biofeedback is considered safe. No negative side effects have been reported.
Lifeworks, LLC
246 Mathis Ferry Road, Suite 100
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Check out Dr. Brian Sullivan’s Psychology Research.
Lifeworks, LLC