Depression Therapy

Hands holding heart dealing with depression

Taking Depression into Your Own Hands

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC), a reported one in ten Americans states that they are depressed or have symptoms of depression. As this mental disorder can cause serious health problems for a person, including thoughts or acts of suicide, getting help and learning how to cope with depression is critical; however, because of the many varying causes of depression and the difficulty in dealing with it, actually taking steps to address or handle being depressed can be hard for many people.

From young adults who are depressed because they just graduated college and do not feel like their life is in order to adults who are going through a divorce to people handling the death of someone close to them, depression can be the result of many different causes and situations. Fortunately, with the help of a trained and skilled counselor, in addition to various coping strategies, you, like many other men and women in the U.S., can figure out how to better overcome and deal with depression.

We are here to help

Offering Teletherapy Services In Addition to In-Office Sessions

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to Schedule an Appointment

Lifeworks Contact Informations
Rachel Kepes LPC

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Rachel Kepes is a Licensed Professional Counselor passionate about helping adolescents, their families, and adults struggling with life stressors, relationship difficulties, behavioral and mental health challenges.

Common Causes of Depression and Anxiety

There is no one cause of depression. In fact, for many people who are depressed, these feelings are caused by a combination of hormones and outside factors, some of which the most common are:

  • The death of a family member or beloved pet
  • Work or personal stress
  • Financial anxieties
  • A major illness or injury



Depression Therapy in Charleston SC and the Surrounding Area

Finding out where your depression is stemming from is a major part of treating it. Fortunately, trained stress management therapists and counselors can help you identify these factors, guiding you to the path of overcoming the negative feelings.


Who Is Most Likely to Suffer from Depression

While anyone, man or woman, young adult or older person, can become depressed, statistics from the CDC show that certain demographics are more susceptible to being depressed. These include:

  • People between the ages of 45 and 64.
  • Those who do not have a job or are unable to hold a job
  • Women
  • Divorced persons
  • Men and women without a high school degree.
  • People who are Hispanic, black, or of another race

Although falling in these groups can put you more at risk of falling victim to depression, it does not mean that you will. Similarly, even if you do not fit within any of these categories, it does not mean that you may not become depressed at some point in your life.



Ways to Cope and Overcome Your Depression

Much like handling other issues is a deeply personal matter, coping with and beating depression depends on your unique situation and personality. However, getting the support of a counselor and using the following tips can be extremely beneficial:

  • Talk with friends and family. Even if you feel like you have no one to rely on or that they will not understand, there is likely someone in your life who understands or cares enough about you that they want to help. When you are feeling depressed, it is easy to feel as if you have no one to seek support from, but reaching out is often a critical step.
  • Seek out support groups. Most areas have communities that are specifically devoted to providing support and help to people in your situation.
  • Schedule regular outings and gatherings with friends and loved ones, especially those who are positive and supportive. This can cut off negative thoughts before they have a chance to root inside you.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, shows some promise as an adjunctive support for people experiencing depression and anxiety. The results of this meta-analytic review are enticing and might help to compel more research into the potential benefits of turmeric for depression, anxiety, and perhaps even other mental health concerns.

It is important to keep in mind that none of these tips may work for you. As everyone handles being depressed and other issues differently, you may need to utilize other techniques to cope with or overcome these feelings. Because of this and the fact that dealing with depression can be a long-term battle, many people choose to seek the help of a therapist. By doing this, you can find out exactly how to handle your situation, the factors that cause it, and rely on the fact that you have long-term support in this battle.

Lifeworks Contact Informations
Rachel Kepes LPC

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Rachel Kepes is a Licensed Professional Counselor passionate about helping adolescents, their families, and adults struggling with life stressors, relationship difficulties, behavioral and mental health challenges.

We are Here to Help

Offering Teletherapy Services In Addition to In-Office Sessions

Contact Us Today To Schedule An Appointment

Dr. Brian Sullivan

Dr. Brian Sullivan

Dr. Brian Sullivan is a licensed clinical psychologist with over 25 years of experience. He holds a PsyD Doctorate in Clinical Psychology as well as a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology (FIT). Dr. Sullivan believes his job is to work himself out of a job by helping people reach a point at which they no longer need his help.

Rachel Kepes

Rachel Kepes is a Licensed Professional Counselor passionate about helping adolescents, their families, and adults struggling with life stressors, relationship difficulties, behavioral and mental health challenges.